Thursday, 27 September 2018


High probability stock trading set up  on 1st day of October series

Key points to consider for October series:

1. Major Global indexes are not  in red zone.
2. Tomorrow is first day post expiry 
3. In Nifty 50 , 31 stocks decline today and 19 stock advances
4. Nifty formed bearish candle today. 

Astrological view 

Market will have one way direction. Considering star lord is Venus and initial hora is moon, we might see a strong opening. 

Technical view

1. Market closed below 100 DMA. Market take support from 144 DMA 
2. As per option data , market range will be 10800 and 11200

I will be working on below stocks

1. Asian paints 
2. Tatasteel 
3. Mothersonsumi
4. Gail

Post market update

Market opened strongly as predicted from Astrological point of view. 

Placed AMO orders for all these 4 stocks. Three trades executed and Gail buy trade rejected due to non availability of margin.

Asian paints                  1068   [buy]
Tatasteel                        2585   [sell]
MothersonSumi              309    [sell]

Total profit from trades 3962
Actual realized profit  post deduction of brokerages and commissions  3650.

Total account value  214222  

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