Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Trade set up for 27092018

1st week of my challenge is over. I am making  a plan to trade and trade the plan.
My view technical set up can indicate high probability trade set up.  News can make this high probability trade set up into a Jackpot one. 

The main contributor in market randomness is views of market participants. I believe astrology specially KP astrology can help a trader in this area. I am learning applied astrology rules for better prediction .

Astrological view  

Tomorrow star lord in Ketu. Sun and Mars has 120 degree. 

Technical view

Being expiry day market might be volatile. 

I will focus on following stocks

1. Reliance
2. Gail
3. Auropharma
4. Axisbank

I traded Gail, Tatasteel, Axisbank. and Tatasteel.

All three trades ended in positive.

Gail             425
Tatasteel      280
Axisbank     411

Total profit post deduction of omission and brokerage 816

Account balance 210260

My trade plan for October expiry

1. Will do intraday and positional trading both
2. Will set up an iron condor for Nifty.  
3. Will set credit spread for banknifty.


I took small positions in following counters

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