Sunday, 23 September 2018

Trade set up & execution post black Friday -24092018

This will be my second week as independent trader.

  • Astrological view

  1. 24th is a full moon day. market might form  a short term bottom and enter into a buy zone around 27th September
  2. Moon has 3rd house aspect by Saturn and in "Mrita" awastha. Moon star is Jupiter . 
  3. Market will be range bound as per my understanding. 

  • Technical view

  1. Nifty bounced back from 10866. This implies nifty has support at lower level. 

  • Important factors with possible impact on market

  1. Farther liquidation of bond by corporate
  2. Resignation of IL&FS  MD
  3. Funding issues of NBFC 
  4. USD/INR and crude price 

Trade Plan

 1. NIFTY:  Intraday Sell  Nifty Oct 10800 October PE and  Nifty Oct 11600 CE . Will put SL double the premium received.  Will keep SL buy order for 11600 CE and 10600 PE.

2. Banknifty :  Intraday sell of 25000 PE and 26200 CE . Will place order @915 and will additional lots  @ 11 AM and 2 PM . Will put stop loss buy order at OTM.

3. Stocks 

Trade update post market hour:

Market behaved as per my expectation.

Only traded Tatasteel today and made a loss 1073.

Available balance 207906

Lesson Learned: Will track  two stocks for intraday trading. It is difficult to track more than two stocks. Will do in future once my competency level will increase. At present OMC , Metal and IT stocks are doing well so will concentrate on these stocks only.


Last week Bajaj Finance and Reliance capital trade successfully executed. I put SL ad target in those trade. Stocks went farther down after hitting target so I have profit gap.
Yesterday, I did not put target for Tatasteel. It was in good profit but did an U turn and converted the trade in losing trade.

1. Will continue to put target and check profit gap for 100 trades
2. Should I put target as .7% or 1 %
3. Should I consider the stocks which meet target are in trend

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