Friday, 21 September 2018

Black Friday trade journal

How I performed on black Friday?

What a day for a new trader!!

My view was volatile day with bullish bias. I was elated in 1st half by seeing trades are going in my direction but second half showed the actual drama. Nifty lost 3.2 % in this week. 
So,  how did I perform today. 

Axis bank buy                +2000
Reliance capital  buy       -3100 
Reliance capital sell       +7986
Gail sell                          +1090 

I put stop loss buy in DHFL not triggered. I was confident on positive movement so didn't put stoploss sell order. Did I protect capital or it's a big opportunity loss?

My current account status:
Opening balance:                         201503
Day's profit Profit                            7476

Total account balance                 208979

Lesson learned from 1 st week of independent trading:

1. Follow trade plan. Will follow 1 ATR SL and will use cover order instead of BO

2. Astrological pattern showed possible  movement but I failed to identify direction. Need to analyse more. Is the moon in Raghu star the reason for such a fall during cancer ascendant? Did Gail perform well while moon in Ketu sub lord?

I found a great astrological analysis by Mr. Attri on cause for banknifty crash on 21st Sp 2018. There is another brilliant analysis by Mr. Brahmesh on "What Caused Huge sell-off and panic in the Stock Market yesterday?"

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