Thursday, 20 September 2018

trade set up- 21092018

Trade  plan for 21902019

Factors  I am considering for tomorrow's trade setup.

1. 21st Sep is Gan turn date
2. 25th September is full moon day
3. Sun mercury conjunction
4. Moon is in capricon at 19.61 degree which is its detrimental sign and moon avastha is kishore
5. Moon is in Raghu star and sublord is mercury.
6. Sun and mercury is in conjunct.

In summary, my view is market will be volatile with upward bias. 

Overall I expect the day will be volatile. As per astrology, banking, financials and real estate companies should be bullish . Metals and Auto sectors might be bearish. 

I selected 1 hour ATR as stoploss for intraday trading.

I will place cover order instead of BO.  Zerodha creates multiple orders for a BO order.

I have bullish view for Reliance capital and Axisbank. Gail may be range bound to bearish.

I will also check DHFL tomorrow morning as this stock id due for a large move. I am planning to focus on Oil Marketing companies like IOC, BPCL.

Will continue to hold HDFC bank.  Will slowly acquire the stock if profit booking continues. This is one of the most valued company and I believe average down will be profitable.

Will start trading covered call with Nifty future from October series. I will continue this challenge for six month to establish a realistic expectation from market. I will use sharekhan portal for this trading.

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