Friday, 12 October 2018

trading performance 12th Oct

Indian market is highly volatile. Indian VIX is hovering around 20.

I did paper trading for some times in recent past but those were low volatile time. I started my trading in market during blood bath. USD/INR and crude oil price is directly impacting Indian economy.  US sanction on Iran oil and trade war with China is creating an uncomfortable situation in Global business.

I incurred good loss in Nifty future trading due to large fall on 11th Oct. I made good profit Nifty and kept my position overnight just to face black Thursday.

Yesterday and today,  I took positions in Axis bank and Balarampur chini. I made total profit  5900 profit after brokerage and tax.

My current equity 223043

What went good

My EOD analysis on stock picking has high success rate.
OTM straddle and vertical spread option strategy is working as per my expectation
However, my trading in Nifty is not happening properly.

What went wrong?

Need to work on trade plan creation and execute the plan. The trader has to create trade plan based on his own personality and position management skill.

Lesson learned 

Trader can still work on tips but trading on burrowed trade plan is suicidal for trader.

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