Thursday, 25 October 2018

Monthly income plan for Nov expiry

When theory meets with practical - option strategy

I am working on a multi legged option strategy for November 2018. This is an experimental set up. I want  to experiment greek behaviors with time, volatility and news. I intentionally did not use any proven strategy like iron condor, Asymmetric iron condor. 

This is first time I deployed and managing  an option strategy. I am referring  Quantsapp for my position  Greeks .

Philosophy of this strategy:

1. Create a put calendar spread around 10000 PE. This is a low probability set up as this combination gives maximum profit around 10000 only. To convert the same to high probability set up, sold 10400 CE

2. Global equity market is in downtrend and trading below 200 DMA. So I have created a vertical spread with 9800 PE and 9500 CE.

3. I make one NF long to reduce overall negative delta of the position.

Strikewise position detail

Nifty Future long                     1 lot
Nifty Nov 9800 PE long          8 lot
Nifty Nov 9500 PE short         8 lot
Nifty Nov 10400  CE short     4 lot
Nifty Nov 10000 PE short       7 lot
Nifty Dec 10000 PE  long       5 lot

Greek values as per Quantsapp.

Delta       -69
Theta     1200.2
Vega        1504
Gamma  -0.21

Margin used

12 lakh and margin benefits 1.4 lakh

Expected return for next  8 days

Nifty      Estimated Return

9500            3400
9800          26100
10040        26500
10200        18000
10310        11340
10400          2000

Nifty spot is at 10124 on 25th Oct 2018 and today's Profit   ( -2500)

If I have out this money in bank , I would have got 5000 interest  per month post income tax  from the same capital. I need to target 10000 per month considering the risk involve in the strategy.

My target is to earn Rs. 8000 from this strategy in first month. My annual target is to double the capital by Dec 2020 using FnO strategy.


1. Will convert this strategy a delta  neutral strategy tomorrow by adding another Nifty future. 
2.  Will do adjustment once nifty spot closed below 9800 or above 
3. Will maintain theta to vega ratio >40  
4. Will maintain gamma near zero or little positive
5. Will book loss if premium of short position gets doubled 
6. Will book profit in short position  if 50 % credit realized.
7. Will exit if position loss reach 10,000

Exit rules 

1. Will exit once the strategy earns 8000
2. Will exit 26th November  to avoid Gamma risk & quick theta decay for long positions in expiry week
3. Will exit if strategy takes more than 13 lakh margin

Update on my monthly income plan  on 26th Oct

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