Saturday, 31 October 2020

Should I Trade One Stock Daily To Make Living ?

I have decided to start a new experiment to trade one equity stock daily. I am starting this thread to check can I earn Rs. 2000 daily from stock market by trading one stock daily.

Trading Rules for daily trading of a single stock

Total account margin - 1 lakh 

Max trade risk : 5% of account balance i.e. 5k

Total Risk per day 10% 

Experiment will terminate if  loose 50% of my account.

Instrument : Bajfinance Future 

Lot size 250 

Margin required for one lot covered order - Rs. 50250

Fixed SL - Rs. 5000 i.e. 20 points  

( Fixed SL will be entered in system to avoid any sudden movement) 

SL will be moved to cost once trade earns at east 10 point. 

Brokerage and cost calculation at zerodha

For 20 point  SL, my account will be reduced by Rs. 5184 

Trading single lot in future is cheaper than trading in cash as margin requirement will be around 1 lakh and points to brake-even will be 1.73 

I will not use synthetic future as I am trading with single lot and intraday.

I will avoid options as sometimes squaring off options becomes difficult.